New First Light learning resources released on the freshly redesigned Upstander Project website
We are happy to share new learning resources to accompany our new film, First Light.
The First Light learning resources are featured on the new which includes our film, First Light, the debut film in the Dawnland series. The preview for First Light is being released on Thursday October 1st and the film is being released on Monday October 12th, Indigenous Peoples' Day. You can pre-order First Light right now here. Sign up here to be notified when the film is released.
The learning resources for First Light connect teachers and students to primary source documents and discussion questions so they can deepen their understanding of both the brutal and disturbing history of settler colonialism that began with the invasion of Native peoples’ homeland, and government policies that aimed to force Native people to stop being who they are. These resources are central to Upstander Project's teacher workshops and classroom presentations, and will be revised as they are beta-tested with teachers and in classrooms across the United States.