Why We Should Listen to Indigenous Voices About the Climate Crisis

“According to the United Nations, areas managed by indigenous peoples are among the most biodiverse and well-conserved on the planet. 

The Reciprocity Project  is a series of 7 Indigenous-made films exploring the concept of reciprocity in Indigenous cultures, or  “the way of life that centers mutual exchange and sharing amongst all beings, past, present and future, seen and unseen, and the Earth.” And through these films and Indigenous perspectives, the project aims to spark conversation and action on the climate crisis.

We speak with Kavita Pillay, a producer of the Reciprocity Project, and Brit Hensel, director of "ᎤᏕᏲᏅ," which is nominated for Best Short Documentary for the IDA Documentary Award.”

Listen at The Takeaway from WNYC Studios.


A new short documentary gives voice to Maine’s Wabanaki people


Generations later, Mainers confront a genocide that still remains overlooked