"We Have All Been Hurt"
“Each one of us knows what it is like both to be wronged and to commit wrong against another,” wrote Jordan J. Ballor in a recent review of “As We Forgive” a book which explores the process of forgiveness and reconciliation in response to the Rwandan genocide in 1994. The notion that Rwandans can teach Americans much about life, truth, healing and reconciliation is at the heart of the documentary project, Reconciliation's Reach. The movie will follow the excellent work done in the Laura Waters Hinson film As We Forgive. In Reconciliation's Reach we will show transformational moments occurring all over Rwanda as genocide survivors seem to forgive and reconcile with those who killed their families.
As Ballor wrote, because we have all been hurt, “therefore each one of us knows what it is like to need to forgive or to need forgiveness. While many of the wrongs we experience pale in comparison to the grisly crimes committed in those 100 days of horror fifteen years ago, these exceptional evils prove the necessity of overcoming even seemingly more banal and daily sins.”
It is for these reasons that we encourage you to watch our preview, explore our site, and engage with us. Send an email, make a comment, and get involved with an effort to spark conversations about conflict resolution and reconciliation in your community.