Thank You!
We are truly thrilled to announce that Coexist has earned two major grants, beginning with a $25,000 challenge grant coming from the Germeshausen Foundation. The Boston-based foundation supports Harvard's Women and Public Policy Program, Boston's PBS affiliate WGBH-producer of shows including FRONTLINE, Yale University, and Peace Games. Matching a portion of that challenge is the Mass Humanities. Their board voted to fully fund our proposal for the maximum grant amount of $10,000. All of this serves to bring us much closer to completing our documentary film Coexist and continuing our work in the community to transform conflict in the lives of young people across Boston, the U.S. and the world. Finishing our film does not mean our work ends. Our team will be taking the film to schools, community groups, faith groups, homes and backyards to engage you in conversations about transforming conflict. We're crafting plans now to make that happen and measure just how big our impact is. These foundations have told us that their support is a result of the work we are already doing in schools. This is a team effort. We look to you to connect our communities making sure that students, teachers, parents and everyone facing conflict knows about Coexist and becomes involved. Watch our clips here on the site, tell friends, suggest they become fans on facebook, sign up for our mailing list, donate today! Tell us how we can help you in your community. We are here to work with you, so let's continue the conversation!